Happy Birthday to our Ketua Pengawas;
Foong Kuan Ngee
Foong Kuan Ngee
You're old ! =D Goodluck in SPM my friend.

How am i going to sit for SPM 2009 ?!
As Lee's said,5 years studying in secondary school.Only that 2 and a half hour for a paper.You can't even score an A?It was pretty true.I can't.Lol ! GIVE UP?
Being humble.
For now,i can only understand Mathematics!Everyone knows that's the best subject.Because of Mrs.H ,thanks to her,with all her craps in add maths class. most of us failed! Her repetition of her family and her son score well never ending -.-
During Mr.Danny class,we enjoyed.He thought me since i was 12.He explains his maths with all the logic stuff like sex?Haha.This is why his class if always full of laughter and students.The most important is we understand every single things he said.I guess so ,Lol!
I caught you ! =P
Kaisheng.What do you think about him?Handsome?Cute?haha.No idea?
Going skate .Haha i didnt try to make up a story.But i didnt fell.I'm with short =)Feel proud is it now?!Kinda.Lol.Last round i fell !! shhh. Jonathan.
Randy.He dressed as if he is at switzerland or at ski.LOL! Randy is LALA !
He really looks like a form 2 kids when he is with us.During skating,he like a kid holding the side and cries.Joking kayy.Don't whack me ! =D
So much fun for holidays.Shits of SPM is coming.For so much,my mum nag me for going out and yum cha.I should be sitting at home and study.Lol.I'm blogging.Wtff.
Still so,what if i wake up in the early morning?You won't be expecting my reading the darn books.It will only happens for so last minute.Useless for me to be regretting now =D
How sweet during form 4.Awwww -.- sry .
Btw,fyi i just did a damn test in facebook.See if you dare to try it.
How well do you know me!It explained all. =D
listening to;
Taking back my love-Enrique ft. Ciara
We know what we are,but know not what we may be;
i missssss you.
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